Business Showcase
About Kraftworks
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Bottom Line Bio

Marketing Communications professional with art direction, graphic design, concept writing, and advertising management experience. Performed services with results including a 25% response on three mailing projects, obtained 20% market share with single campaign, and exceeded projected sales by 50% in half of the time allocated. For small and mid-sized companies, created successful new product intros with identity/branding programs. B2B, B2Consumer, Medical and nonprofit market experience. Strong visualization and creative skills, extensive experience with web and print industry standard software. Graduated from Cooper School of Art and Design with honors.

Kraftwork's clients have experienced success as a result of Jim's expertise in creative direction. Kraftworks has also assisted in areas where awareness and credibltity need to be quickly communicated. Through such vehicles as websites, direct-mail and brochures, annual reports, sell sheets, POP, packaging, displays (tradeshow and counter top), signage, sales literature and catalogs, Kraftworks has increased awareness and sales. With these tools in place, clients have either reached or surpassed their goals. Discover what an experienced marketing communications professional can bring to the table to help reach your goals.

If you would like to talk about your marketing communication needs, please call Jim at 440.946.5005.

Recognition and Awards

• Awarded Most Unique Invention
by “The Fish” Radio
Best of Show Award NLGA Nevada, Best Tradeshow Design
Placed 2nd NLGA Nevada, Show Theme
GD:USA National Award for Excellence in Communications and Graphic Design, Website Design
GD:USA National Award for Excellence in Communications and Graphic Design, , Logo and Corporate Identity
Best of Show Award: Best Display for Allstate Insurance Regional Contest

Placed 3rd in the P.I.A.N.O. Print contest for full-color, 6 pages and up category.
Featured on front page of Business News. The effects, pros and cons, of high speed communications.
Lake County News Herald: Business Section
Plain Dealer: Article in Business Section.Recognized for poster design.
• Best of Show Award: Publication/Illustration, Digital Arts. Cleveland Desktop Publishing Users Group.

About Jim and his wife, Tammy:

Jim resides with his wife Tamara, in Perry, Ohio. Their 2 adult children live in Dallas. They both enjoy the awesome visits with them. They all hit the local art shows when togather or Jim will champion a remodeling project. As of late, Jim is jamming on his new humorous book of gag panels titled: "Brain Shorts." He is also working with his doctor daughter on a pop-up book creating awareness on a niche area within the field of Physical Therapy.

Jim and Tammy do life together. They are involved with their local church, and the lifestyle it offers. Both of them love participating in the discussion-based classes. They enjoy visiting with friends and meeting new people are on his list of favorites. Jim has already written a faith-based book on creation origins, "Before the Beginning...God Designed." The book has globally recognized endorsements.

They both support Stoney Glenn Camp, and Teen Challenge.

Tammy is a Certified Prevention Specialist working for Crossroads in the Lake County School system. Jim feels that the information she communicates is literally saving children's lives. Today's kids are struggling with many issues from self-regulation to social media abuses. Jim also believes that what Tammy teaches should be taught in every school, especially with today's "adult" pressures put on unequipped little ones.